
Free 3D building Models

317 found
Blender (82)FBX (119)Cinema 4D (23)3ds Max (35)Maya (23)obj (212)
Animated (4)3D Printable (99)Rigged (4)Lowpoly (131)
Residential Building Set 3d model
.unity .blender .wip .abc .3ds .x .unreal .3d .textures .stl .obj .ms3d .fbx .dxf .dae .blender .3ds .obj .dae .blend .fbx .mesh .dxf .stl
City 3d model
.max .3ds
Living Room 3d model
.blend .fbx .obj
City 3d model
Huge City 3d model
.blend .obj
SciFi City 3d model
.obj .3ds .fbx .dwg .max
GameReady Cottage 3d model
.blend .max .fbx .obj .dae .3ds .stl .c4d .png
Distant City 3d model
Building House 04 3d model
.obj .dae .blend .fbx
City Street 3d model
.obj .ma .fbx
Watch Tower made of Wood 3d model
.dxf .blender .dae .fbx .obj .unity .x .3ds .x3d .3ds .obj .dae .blend .fbx .mtl
Gas Station 3d model
Living Room 3d model
.obj .max
Warehouse Interior 3d model
Castelia City 3d model
.3ds .obj .dae .fbx .mtl
Egyptian architecture objects 3d model
.c4d .ma .vue .fbx .obj
Bambo House 3d model
.obj .blend .fbx
cityscape 3d model
.3ds .blend .obj
building 3d model
.3ds .obj .blend .fbx
Old house 3d model
.3ds .c4d .fbx .ma .max .obj
Environment 3d model
.obj .max .fbx
Futuristic Architecture 2 3d model
.dae .lxo .obj .3ds
Sci Fi City 3d model
.fbx .blend
Crane 3d model
.3ds .dwg .fbx .obj .stl .max
Wood Door 3d model
.3ds .obj .blend .fbx .mtl .tga .stl
Big City 47 3d model
.max .fbx .obj
Building 3d model
.3ds .obj .max
Living Room 3d model
Modern Kitchen 3d model
.max .obj .fbx .3ds
architecture 3d model
Modular Truss Collection 3d model
.max .obj .3ds .dae .fbx
Cottage House 3d model
.mb .fbx
City Tex Night Time 3d model
.3ds .c4d .lwo .max .obj .xsi
CYBER place 3d model
Destroyed Building ruin 3d model
.c4d .obj .3ds
Manhattan Fully Textured 3d model
.blend .fbx
Building 3d model
.blend .fbx .3ds .obj
Industrial buildings set 2 3d model
.max .fbx
Fantasy Castle 3d model
.obj .mb .fbx
Stairs 3d model
.obj .unknown
Futuristic Five-Wheeled Building - Five Wheeler 3d model
.unitypackage .x3d .xfile .obj .texture .fbx .dae .blend
Scaffolding 3d model
.obj .max .ma .fbx
Cyprys House 3d model
.obj .blend .fbx
Castle 3d model
.3ds .blend .unknown .obj
Buildings In The City 3d model
.blend .obj .fbx
Country Farm House 3d model
.obj .max .fbx .blend .dae .3ds
Old house 3d model
.3ds .obj .max .fbx .mtl .dds .dwg .dxf
Shopping Mall 3d model
.unknown .dae .fbx .obj .3ds .skp
Building 3d model
Asian temple 3d model
.fbx .max .obj
house modern 3d model
City simple model A 3d model
.max .obj .3ds
Urban city buildings 3d model
House 3d model
.obj .ma
Ruin  Building 3d model
.obj .blend .fbx
Straight Truss Collection (Square) 3d model
.3ds .dae .fbx .obj .max
Interior Design 3d model
.3ds .obj .blend .fbx
.3ds .max .fbx .obj
Cartoon Mill On Island Low Poly 3d model
.obj .max .c4d .ma .blend .fbx
Cartoon City 3d model
.blend .3ds .obj .fbx .dae
architecture 3d model
Condominium 3d model
.fbx .ma
House 3d model
.obj .fbx
City c4d 3d model
Camellia City 3d model
.3ds .obj .dae .fbx .mtl .skp
Sci Fi Futuristic City 3d model
.3ds .fbx .max .obj
Old Farm House 3d model
.obj .mb .fbx
Chinese church - Low Poly 3d model
.fbx .max .obj
Building House 05 3d model
.obj .dae .fbx
Triumphal arch 3d model
.max .3ds .fbx .obj
18 Geometric Spheres 3d model
.3ds .c4d .dae .dxf .fbx .obj
Simple house 3d model
.3ds .obj .blend .fbx .stl
Small Airport 3d model
.max .3ds .dwg .fbx .obj .skp
Egyptian Temple 3d model
.c4d .ma .fbx .obj .blend .vue
Building 3d model
.3ds .obj .c4d
Tavern 3d model
.3ds .vue .obj
Nimbasa City 3d model
.3ds .obj .dae .fbx .mtl .skp
FedEx Delivery Truck 3d model
.max .3ds .dae .fbx .obj
Residential Buildings 3d model
.obj .blend .fbx
round hexagon dome 3d model
.blend .fbx .obj
Column 3d model
.3ds .obj .c4d .fbx
Modern House 3d model
.obj .max
High rise building 3d model
3 building city 3d model
.unknown .blend
Array building 3d model
.3ds .obj .dae .blend .fbx
Elevator 3d model
.3ds .unknown .dae .dwg .fbx .max .obj .stl
Shop / Restaurant 3d model
Olympic Stadium 3d model
.ma .obj .fbx .max
House Exterior 3d model
.obj .max .ma .mb
Airport 3d model
.max .3ds .c4d .obj .ma .fbx .dxf
Red Brick Building 3d model
.3ds .obj .blend .fbx .mtl
5-Storey Russian Building (KPD-4570-73/75) 3d model
.blend .fbx .obj .dae
Skyscrapers 3d model
building 3d model
.max .obj .fbx
Tropical Islands 3d model
.3ds .obj .dae .fbx .mtl .skp
Future City set 3d model
.3ds .fbx .max .obj
Brick Building 3d model
.3ds .obj .blend .mtl
Set Air Conditioning Ducting 3d model
.max .c4d .fbx .ma .obj
Modular Sci-Fi Stairs (Basic Version) 3d model
.fbx .x3d .wrl .stl .raw .ply .ms3d .dxf .dae .abc .3ds .obj .blend
Castle 3d model
.obj .fbx .dae .blend
Cafe 3d model
Tents cafe 3d model
.max .fbx .obj
Ruin Wall 3d model
.obj .blend .fbx
Future city 3d model
.3ds .blend .dae .fbx .obj
Building 3 3d model
.ma .obj .mtl
Egypt Giza Pyramid 3d model
.max .unknown
Fairy Tower 3d model
.ma .mb .fbx .obj
Relax room 3d model
Gas Station 3d model
.3ds .obj .max .fbx
Warehouse 3d model
.3ds .max .ma .obj .unknown
Subway Train 3d model
Circle Square Truss (Full diameter 150cm) 3d model
.stl .obj .max .fbx .dae .c4d .3ds
Stone Arch 3d model
Array residential Building  3d model
.3ds .obj .dae .blend .fbx .mtl .stl