
Free 3D Models

2,119 found
Blender (2623)FBX (3468)Cinema 4D (2119)3ds Max (1401)Maya (666)obj (10945)
Animated (52)3D Printable (199)Rigged (68)Lowpoly (103)
Nathan Animated 003 Walking 3d model
.c4d .jpg .ma .jpg .max .jpg .fbx .jpg
Heart Human Textured 3d model
.dxf .obj .fbx .3ds .c4d
Sophia Animated 001 Idling 3d model
.ue4 .jpg .u3d .jpg .ma .jpg .max .jpg .fbx .jpg .c4d .jpg
Famale 3d model
.ztl .c4d .obj .fbx
Professional scene with Coca-Cola bottle 3d model
.3ds .obj .dae .max .c4d .blend .fbx .lws .mtl .stl .sldprt .sldasm
Climbing Plants Collection (+GrowFX) 3d model
.max .c4d .obj .blend .fbx
IphoneX 3d model
.c4d .obj .fbx
Cartoon robot 3d model
.unknown .c4d .3ds .obj .fbx .max
GameReady Cottage 3d model
.blend .max .fbx .obj .dae .3ds .stl .c4d .png
New York City pack 3d model
.c4d .3ds .fbx .obj
A simple room 3d model
.3ds .obj .c4d
Cartoon low poly landscape scene 3d model
.3ds .fbx .obj .blend .c4d .max
low poly tree 3d model
.max .fbx .c4d .dae .ma .lxo .obj .mtl .zbp .ztl
park scene 3d model
.3ds .fbx .obj .c4d
Eric Rigged 001 3d model
.c4d .jpg .u3d .jpg .ma .jpg .max .jpg .fbx .jpg
Digestive System Color 3d model
.c4d .3ds .obj .wrl .fbx .dxf
091 Aya 3d model
.obj .c4d .max
Paper Plane 3d model
.3ds .c4d .dae .fbx .max .obj
Mei Posed 001 3d model
.c4d .obj .jpg .tif .bld .obj .jpg .tif .3dm .obj .jpg .tif .skp .bld .obj .jpg .tif .psd .obj .jpg .tif .fbx .obj .jpg .tif .ma .obj .jpg .tif .max .obj .jpg .tif
Gas Station 3d model
Manuel Animated 001 Dancing 3d model
.fbx .jpg .c4d .jpg .ma .jpg .max .jpg
Eagle Ornamental 3d model
.ma .max .obj .fbx .c4d
Moon Photorealistic 2K 3d model
.blend .max .ma .c4d .fbx .obj .mtl
Egyptian architecture objects 3d model
.c4d .ma .vue .fbx .obj
Iron Man Mark 44 Hulkbuster 3d model
.c4d .fbx
Combat Jet 3d model
.obj .fbx .max .c4d
Dennis Posed 004 3d model
.3dm .obj .jpg .tiff .blend .obj .jpg .tiff .skp .obj .jpg .tiff .c4d .obj .jpg .tiff .max .obj .jpg .tiff
Desk Lamp 3d model
.lxo .dae .obj .lwo .c4d
Ferrari formula 1 3d model
.c4d .obj .fbx
Desert Eagle 3d model
.3ds .c4d .fbx .obj
Claudia Rigged 002 3d model
.fbx .jpg .c4d .jpg .u3d .jpg .max .jpg .ma .jpg
Vintage Light Bulb C4D 3d model
iPhone X 3d model
.obj .c4d .mtl
Ficus Lyrata Trees (+GrowFX) 3d model
.max .obj .fbx .c4d .blend
Lego man 3d model
.obj .max .c4d
Plants - LowPoly 3d model
.3ds .fbx .obj .c4d
Kitchen 3d model
robotic bug 3d model
.c4d .dxf .obj .3ds
Low poly cat 3d model
.3ds .obj .dae .c4d .fbx
Old house 3d model
.3ds .c4d .fbx .ma .max .obj
M4A1 3d model
.3ds .obj .dae .c4d .mb .fbx .mtl .sldprt
V12 Engine 3d model
.c4d .3ds .obj .fbx .blend .dae .vue
Fabienne & Percy Posed 001 3d model
.3dm .obj .jpg .tif .skp .obj .jpg .tif .fbx .obj .jpg .tif .ma .obj .jpg .tif .max .obj .jpg .tif .c4d .obj .jpg .tif .bld .obj .jpg .tif
Human Cell Color 3d model
.obj .c4d .fbx .wrl .dxf .3ds .max
Humvee vehicle 3d model
.obj .c4d .fbx
Heart Anatomy Animated 3d model
.c4d .3ds .obj .fbx .dxf .unknown
full rigged character 3d model
Fiat Ducato 1999 3d model
.3ds .c4d .fbx .lwo .obj .x .xsi .max
Industrial robot arm 3d model
.obj .c4d
Tooth 3d model
.c4d .3ds .fbx .obj
Knight 3d model
.obj .c4d
Humpback Whale 3d model
Razer Kraken v2 headphones 3d model
.3ds .obj .c4d
halft heart human 3d model
.c4d .3ds .dxf .fbx .obj
T Rex 3d model
.obj .max .c4d
Bamboo Trees 4 (+GrowFX) 3d model
.max .obj .fbx .c4d .blend
Sport cap 3d model
.3ds .obj .dae .c4d .fbx .dxf .stl
Bougainvillea Collection 2 (+GrowFX) 3d model
.max .fbx .obj .c4d .blend
living room 3d model
City Tex Night Time 3d model
.3ds .c4d .lwo .max .obj .xsi
Carla Rigged 001 3d model
.fbx .jpg .c4d .jpg .u3d .jpg .ma .jpg .max .jpg
Low Polygon Coach 1 3d model
.3ds .dxf .fbx .max .c4d .obj
Street Lamp 3d model
.c4d .obj
Shipping Container 3d model
.c4d .obj .dae .3ds
Table 3d model
.obj .c4d .fbx
Cat mask 3d model
.3ds .fbx .ma .max .obj .c4d .ztl
Ford Mustang GT 500 3d model
.max .c4d .obj
Aerospatiale Gazelle Helicopter 3d model
.c4d .obj .3ds
Acoustic guitar 3d model
.3ds .obj .dae .max .c4d .fbx .tga .sldprt
Airbus A330 Delta 3d model
.3ds .c4d .fbx .max .obj
Cartoon Character 3d model
.3ds .obj .dae .c4d .dxf
human athletic (Low-Poly) 3d model
.3ds .fbx .obj .c4d
flower 3d model
.c4d .obj
can 3d model
.obj .c4d
Beautiful Female Body 3d model
High quality grass 3d model
.obj .c4d .fbx
Monstera Plants (+GrowFX) 3d model
.max .fbx .obj .c4d .blend
Low poly deer 3d model
.3ds .obj .dae .c4d .fbx
iPhone X 3d model
.c4d .x .fbx .obj .3ds .unknown
Square Truss Straight Segment 21 3d model
.stl .obj .3dsmax .fbx .dxf .c4d .3ds
Baseball 3d model
.dae .dxf .fbx .lwo .lxo .max .xsi .obj .ma .c4d .blend .3ds
Wet Street 3d model
Modern PVC Window 1 3d model
.c4d .fbx .max .obj
Monitor LED 3d model
.3ds .obj .dae .c4d .fbx .stl
Arm right 3d model
.c4d .dae .fbx .obj .stl .wrl .3ds
Basic Kitchen Sink and Tap 3d model
.3ds .c4d
Minecraft Steve 3d model
.3ds .c4d .fbx .obj
Stve Rig(By Blaze) 3d model
Realistic Lungs Animated 3d model
.c4d .3ds .obj .fbx .dxf
Forklift 3d model
.obj .c4d .fbx
Destroyed Building ruin 3d model
.c4d .obj .3ds
Opel Astra 3d model
Strawberry 3d model
.obj .3ds .fbx .max .lwo .c4d
Earth In Space 3d model
Apple MacBook Space Gray 3d model
.obj .fbx .c4d .ma .max
Grass! 3d model
Teeth 3d model
.3ds .blend .c4d .dae .dxf .fbx .lwo .lxo .max .ma .obj .xsi
living room 3d model
Emergency Stairs 3d model
.3ds .c4d .dae .dxf .fbx .obj
Xbox one controller 3d model
.c4d .obj
Arduino Uno 3d model
.c4d .dxf .obj .3ds
Adidas Superstar 3d model
.obj .c4d
Event Tent 3d model
.dxf .fbx .obj .c4d
Fence 3d model
.3ds .obj .dae .c4d .fbx
.obj .fbx .c4d
Forest dragon 3d model
Umbrella Bamboos (+GrowFX) 3d model
.max .fbx .obj .c4d .blend
Office chair 3d model
.c4d .3ds .fbx .obj
Simple Chair 3d model
.lwo .obj .fbx .c4d .3dm .3ds .max
Helicopter N916MU 3d model
.3ds .obj .c4d .sldprt
Herring Fish 3d model
.3ds .c4d .lwo .max .ma .obj .xsi
Mars Photorealistic 2K 3d model
.blend .max .ma .c4d .fbx .obj .mtl
Picture Frame Collection 3d model
.obj .3ds .fbx .c4d
Window 3d model
.3ds .obj .dae .c4d .fbx
Cartoon low poly cargo ship 3d model
.obj .3ds .c4d .fbx .max
Medieval Boat 3d model
.obj .c4d
Climbing Bougainvillea Collection (+GrowFx) 3d model
.max .c4d .fbx .obj .blend
Low Poly Racing Car 3d model
.obj .max .c4d .ma .blend .fbx
Heart Animated 3d model
.c4d .fbx .dxf .obj .3ds