
Free 3D Models

367 found
Blender (184)FBX (161)Cinema 4D (68)3ds Max (27)Maya (26)obj (177)
Animated (239)3D Printable (7374)Rigged (367)Lowpoly (7483)
base character rigged 3d model
Hand 3d model
.fbx .max .ma
Black Dragon Rigged and Game Ready 3d model
.stl .unity .3ds .blender .dae .fbx .ply .3ds .dae .blend .fbx .stl
cartoon character 3d model
Nathan Animated 003 Walking 3d model
.c4d .jpg .ma .jpg .max .jpg .fbx .jpg
Cartoon robot 3d model
.unknown .c4d .3ds .obj .fbx .max
Sophia Animated 001 Idling 3d model
.ue4 .jpg .u3d .jpg .ma .jpg .max .jpg .fbx .jpg .c4d .jpg
Cartoon characters 3d model
Wolf Rigged and Game Ready 3d model
.gltf .blender .x3d .x .wrl .unreal .unity .stl .ply .obj .ms3d .fbx .dxf .dae .blend .abc .3ds .3ds .obj .dae .blend .fbx
Realistic Hand-Rigged 3d model
.blend .obj .fbx
Rigged Hands 3d model
.x3d .obj .fbx .dae .blend .3ds .3ds .obj .dae .blend .fbx
Man in a suit 3d model
.max .fbx
Rigged Male Human 3d model
Average Man 3d model
.fbx .max
Intergalactic Spaceship in Blender 2.8 Eevee 3d model
.unity .x3d .vrml .obj .stl .ply .fbx .dxf .dae .3ds .blend
Low Poly Stickman 3d model
.blend .fbx .3ds .obj
Koenigsegg Agera 3d model
.blend .obj .fbx
Eric Rigged 001 3d model
.c4d .jpg .u3d .jpg .ma .jpg .max .jpg .fbx .jpg
Soldier 3d model
.3ds .dae .fbx .obj .blend
Notebook Low-Poly Version 3d model
.unity .fbx .dae .blender .dxf .x .x3d .3ds .obj .obj .dae .blend .fbx .mtl .dxf
Alien Animal Update in Blender-2.8x 3d model
.blend .unity .obj .dxf .dae .fbx
Combat Jet 3d model
.obj .fbx .max .c4d
Manuel Animated 001 Dancing 3d model
.fbx .jpg .c4d .jpg .ma .jpg .max .jpg
Metropolis Style Robot 3d model
.max .fbx
Spider Animated and Game-Ready 3d model
.fbx .dxf .dae .blender .3ds .x3d .x .unity .obj .all .in .one .downoad
African Elephant Low Poly 3d model
.blend .fbx .max .unitypackage
Iron Man Mark 44 Hulkbuster 3d model
.c4d .fbx
Grizzly Bear 3d model
.obj .fbx .max .unknown
Space Station Scene 3d model
.x .wrl .obj .abc .dae .tbscene .unity .fbx .blend
Vintage Light Bulb C4D 3d model
E 45 Aircraft 3d model
.3ds .obj .dae .blend .fbx .mtl .dxf .stl
F1 Driver 3d model
.obj .3ds .unknown .max
Claudia Rigged 002 3d model
.fbx .jpg .c4d .jpg .u3d .jpg .max .jpg .ma .jpg
robotic bug 3d model
.c4d .dxf .obj .3ds
DARK ROOM 3d model
.fbx .blend .obj
Shipping Container 3d model
.3ds .fbx .max .obj
Belly dancer girl 3d model
character 3d model
full rigged character 3d model
Human Eye 3d model
.max .obj .ma .3ds
rabbit 3d model
.max .fbx .obj
Carla Rigged 001 3d model
.fbx .jpg .c4d .jpg .u3d .jpg .ma .jpg .max .jpg
Girl 3d model
Room Door 3d model
.obj .dae .blend .mtl
Rapper 3d model
.max .fbx
Ford Mustang GT 500 3d model
.max .c4d .obj
Humpback Whale 3d model
Futuristic Transport Shuttle (Rigged) 3d model
.blend .fbx .3ds .dae .x3d .obj .3ds .obj .dae .blend .fbx .mtl
Cartoon characters 3d model
Wall Clock 3d model
.3ds .obj .blend .fbx .mtl
Marvin The Paranoid Android 3d model
.max .obj
Futuristic Five-Wheeled Building - Five Wheeler 3d model
.unitypackage .x3d .xfile .obj .texture .fbx .dae .blend
Man In A Tracksuit 3d model
.fbx .obj .max
Sphere-Bot 2.8 Version 3d model
.blender .textures .fbx .x .dae .blend .x3d .obj
Wyvern 3d model
.mat .max .unknown .obj
Stve Rig(By Blaze) 3d model
Astronaut 3d model
Horse 3d model
.blend .obj
Human Male Character 3d model
.3ds .dae .fbx .obj .unknown .stl .x .blend
Character Zoe 3d model
lowpoly Male Rigged 3d model
Woman Rigged 3d model
.blend .dae
Man Simple Rig 3d model
.ma .mb
Red Driver - Racing pilote 3d model
.max .obj .unknown
Tree 01 3d model
.blend .obj .fbx .stl .dae .abc
Minecraft Steve 3d model
.3ds .c4d .fbx .obj
Mech Neck Walker - Blender Game Engine and Unity 3D 3d model
.fbx .obj .x .dae .x3d .unity .blend
Bar Stool 3d model
.3dm .max .skp .obj .unknown
Bogie Mountain Bike 3d model
.blend .obj
Chimpanzee Rigged Model 3d model
.fbx .obj .max .unknown
Alien Animal 3d model
.dae .x .fbx .unitypackage .3ds .obj .dxf .blend
Sparrow Animated 3d model
.3ds .fbx .max .obj
Cybertruck 3d model
.fbx .blend .obj
Anime Girl 3d model
.max .obj .fbx .unknown
Futuristic Car Game-Ready 3d model
.x3d .fbx .dae .blend .3ds .obj .3ds .obj .dae .blend .fbx
Low Poly Character 3d model
.3ds .blend .dae .fbx .obj
Drawer Bed Side 3d model
.textures .blend .fbx .3ds .obj
Average Caucasian Male 3d model
.blend .fbx .obj
iPhoneX 3d model
Pigeon rigged 3d model
.3ds .fbx .max .obj
Chevrolet Camaro SS Coupe 3d model
.blend .obj
laptop slim 3d model
Hot air balloon 3d model
.c4d .fbx .obj
19th century Man 3d model
.unknown .obj .ma
Eiffel Tower 3d model
Chihuahua Rigged 3d model
.fbx .max .obj
Modular UFO 3d model
.gltf .glb .dae .stl .ply .obj .textures .gltf .blender .fbx .blend
Animated male character 3d model
Twilight Character 3d model
.fbx .png
Low poly Character rigged 3d model
.3ds .blend .dae .fbx .obj
Dragon Busts 3d model
.textures .fbx .obj .dae .mtl .stl .blend
Male Body - Rigged 3d model
.max .fbx .obj .unknown
suit 3d model
.unknown .dae .obj .ma
low poly room 3d model
MP5K (Fully Rigged) 3d model
.3ds .obj .dae .max .c4d .fbx .mtl
windows 3d model
.3ds .max .obj
lowpoly rigged female/male 3d model
.blend .fbx
Office worker 3d model
.max .fbx .obj .unknown
Smaug 3d model
.obj .blend .fbx
Rooster 3d model
.max .3ds .c4d .dxf .fbx .ma .obj .xsi
Robot Dog Animation 3d model
.blend .obj .3ds
Food Truck 3d model
.obj .blend
Mountain Bike Pacific Invert 3d model
.blend .fbx .obj
Football Player 3d model
.3ds .max .ma .obj
Lowpoly Cat Rigged + Run animation 3d model
.blend .fbx
Sports winter jacket 3d model
.obj .fbx .max .unknown
Rigged carrot character 3d model
Female 3d model
.fbx .obj .max
Spider 3d model
.blend .fbx
Animated Game Character 3d model
.max .fbx
Window Component 3d model
.obj .dae .blend .fbx .mtl