Welcome to Tagger, where anyone can tag artworks with descriptive words to make it easier to find them. Tagging is easy, fun and safe – your tags will only go live once they are verified by other people. Have a go and contribute to making Art UK more searchable by tagging people, places and things – and discover new art and artists along the way.

Art UK is grateful to all of the funders who made Tagger possible.

Tags added over the past 12 months

Artworks tagged


Tags verified


Individual tags added


Tags awaiting verification


Top taggers

Position Name Tags added Tags verified
1st Judy Adams 1294 33858
2nd Massimo Colombo 792 6367
3rd Han Nguyen 298 33
4th Ian Brennand 149 25280
5th Lorna Lakin 45 2061
Position Name Tags added Tags verified
1st Judy Adams 3913 33858
2nd Massimo Colombo 1406 6367
3rd Fergus Badenhorst 1209 2560
4th Ian Brennand 1079 25280
5th Mina Vouronikou 1021 1424
6th Lam Nguyen 655 94
7th Iris Weissman 436 43
8th Han Nguyen 401 33
9th Angel Tetimov 203 165
10th Janet Burgess 101 33997
Position Name Tags added Tags verified
1st Judy Adams 42615 33858
2nd Janet Burgess 35162 33997
3rd Ian Brennand 28181 25280
4th Colin Graham 20136 19796
5th Massimo Colombo 7841 6367
6th Oliver Adams 7323 6718
7th Steve Bishop 6862 6587
8th Anna Sugiura 3847 3724
9th Volodymyr Lukecha 3753 3599
10th Fergus Badenhorst 3747 2560


Tagger is a crowdsourcing project inviting the public to tag artworks. The resulting tags help visitors to use Art UK.


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